Saturday, May 18, 2019

Authentic context integration in early number teaching


This article presents an analysis of contextual tasks to support the development of counting in foundation year classrooms. the tasks allowed the students to engage in authentic and realistic number experiences on which to build their understandings of early number.

Two teacher educators and 25 prospective primary teachers brainstormed to children's developing early number understandings. for each lesson, tasks were designed to target the development of early number concepts.

Interesting details of this article, children were introduced to "suzie's party" ( the puppet). Using different teaching methods and activities such as song, checking, secret code and game.

In conclusion, how a context and related tasks could be used to develop foundation year children's understandings of number concepts.

Tuesday, April 9, 2019

Being Bilingual Good for the Brain


Bilingual has many benefits such as children higher math scores and employer higher salary. Bilingual means exposure to more than one culture and understanding of others.

Scientists are reaching an agreement that speaking more languages provides measurable positives. For instance, improved memory, decision-making skills and preventing Alzheimer's.

Someone knew both language but were using latter in a conversation, that person's brain very short time actively. This results, portion of the brain responsible for making decision and problem-solving skills.

people use two or more languages also completely change between tasks. The first sign on average about 71.4 years for monolinguals, but bilinguals 75.5 years.

Tuesday, April 2, 2019

Languages spoken in Australia

The pie chart shows what languages are spoken in Australia. English is most popular language in Australia. Other languages are spoken minority.

Thursday, March 28, 2019


  • Staff sleuth to catch parents enrolment rules
  • same enrolment address and uncovered a forged signature 
  • Strathfield Girls' High, check prospective student's address, lived there didn't know
  •  noted the agent listed signature forged
  • Fair Trading enrolment officer gave statement seven families enrolled same house
  • First day of school without being enrolled, the father tried a false address, granny flat address
  • some of Sydney's most in-demand schools include 
  • principal verify child's residential address, demand exceeds available places.


Staff at popular public schools investegate to catch parents area enrolment rules. One school caught seven families using the same enrolment address and uncovered a forged signature. In one case, Strathfield Girls' High check a student's address people who lived there didn't know the applicant and had been there for years. It was also noted the agent listed the applicant signature had been forged.
In another case at unnamed school went to Fair Trading, the enrolment officer gave a statement. He did found seven families enrolled at the same house.
In another case, first day of school a student without being enrolled. The father tried wrong address,then a granny flat address. Some of Sydney's most in-demand schools included.
Principals can take steps to identify a child's residential address, especially in schools where demand exceeds available places.

Wednesday, November 14, 2018


Summary: Asthma is a chronic disease. It affects your breath. Your airways are tubes that carry air in and out. That makes them very sensitive. You are allergic to or find irritating. When airways react,they get narrower and your lungs get less air. 

Symptoms of asthma are wheezing, coughing  especially early in the morning or at night, chest tightness and shortness of breath.

Your doctor will diagnose asthma based on lung function tests, your medical history, and a physical exam.  You may also have allergy tests.

 The seasons by providing information on asthma, allergies and some of the most common seasonal and non-seasonal allergens and asthma irritants such as: Cigarette smoke, Dust mites, Pets and Animals, Pollen.

Even so, some people turn to complementary health practices such as acupuncture, breathing exercises and herbal supplements in their efforts to relieve symptoms.

Authentic context integration in early number teaching

summary: This article presents an analysis of contextual tasks to support the development of counting in foundation year classrooms. the t...